Staff Resources

Schedules and Assignments

These are the Schedules and Assignments for Staff Development sessions. Based on your position, find your assignment for the upcoming staff development and develop your presentation or become familiar with the activity.
Schedules and Assignments


Pages refer to the PDF page in the syllabus (which may be different from the page number at the bottom of the document), which is available here:

Past Presentations

Presentations developed by past staff members available at this Google Drive Folder:
Presentations Folder.
We recommend you start with a presentation you like and improve it to make it your own.

Staff Development Calendar

This is the staff development calendar:
National Resources
This is a link to the National Google Drive, which includes many helpful resources and information. National Google Folder
Forms & Information
What to bring, what NOT to bring ... Equipment List Health and safety: BSA Medical Form Over the Counter Medications Youth Protection Training